1. Monday – We seemed to carry out the snow theme again this week.  It took me 38 attempts to get this picture.


2. Tuesday – This was taken in full color, not black and white.  It was a very….bleak sort of day.


3. Wednesday – Yoshi was supposed to start some obedience classes this week.  But it didnt happen, and I am still chasing my tail trying to track down someone willing to take her on.  Puns intended.


4. Thursday – Yoshi says “Meh, who needs obedience school?”  She is full of personality, shes just picky on who gets to see it.


5. Friday – I guess it was a Yoshi centered week as far as pictures went.  Her and I went for a walk and checked out every snow bank there was.


6. Saturday – Cold, but pretty.  But cold.  I dont know why, I some reason found the definition of “Icicle” funny: a hanging rod of ice: a hanging tapered rod of ice.


7. Sunday – Spring is coming.  It has to be coming.  Never mind the fact that I was standing on two inches of frozen solid snow.  There are BUDS in those trees.  And Spring IS coming.


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