It’s hard to believe this little nugget is four months old already.

Our 5 pound little muffin is over 13 pounds now. He is super smiley, starting to babble and drools like crazy. He loves to ‘hold hands’ or play with your fingers when he is tired or eating. If he wakes up before us in the morning he lays in his bassinet babbling to himself and flirting with the ceiling fan. I often peak over the edge and watch him until he catches my eye. Once he catches my eye he gives the biggest smiles. He is just starting to figure out the whole grasping items and bringing them to his mouth. He HATES tummy time, but does really well holding his head up. He is super wiggly, earning himself the nickname of wiggle worm. He can wiggle his way off his mat. He tried cantaloupe and watermelon this past month and absolutely LOVED.

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